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On the front lines of Digital Transformation.
Virtual Innovation Studio is an eight-week design sprint where problem solvers across the University of Cincinnati come together in teams to find the best design solution.
This session’s client, the University of Cincinnati’s Digital Transformation task force, asked us to find ways to improve student experience through technology.
In addition to conducting stakeholder interviews and researching solutions, my team was tasked with designing the final presentation slide deck.
Our team interviewed 102 students from a variety of backgrounds, majors, and identities in order to get a better idea of what the UC student experience is like.
After collecting student data, the analysis began. We looked for commonalities between our interviews that could inform potential solutions.
What common issues did interviewees mention? What do they want out of their learning experience? How can technology improve student experience?
To help our client to better understand the typical UC student, we created stakeholder personas to represent our interviewees. These hypothetical people represent common types of students in their everyday lives.
After the common issues were identified, we explored potential solutions that integrated
digital transformation into the student experience.